We know most of you are in the thick of things right now, so we’ll keep this short and sweet.
Your busiest, most stressful times are when you need to take care of yourself the most! This may feel counterintuitive right now. You may feel like you have no time for yourself because you’re too busy getting the work done and taking care of everyone else. We get it. We hear that a lot. But, please, don’t buy into this false thinking.
Now is the most critical time for you to slow down and intentionally take care of yourself, so you can perform at your best and show up as the leader we know you want to be.
Let’s take a quick minute to go back to basics. Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten (where ten is the best you can imagine, and one is the worst!) for each of the following questions.
- How much quality sleep are you getting per night?
- How well are you nourishing your body and mind with food and drink?
- How are your stress levels?
- How are your energy levels?
- How well are you able to focus?
Now, take a look at your ratings. Which rating(s) stand out to you the most?
Choose one area that needs your attention the most right now. Then, take 5 minutes to tap into the related resource shown below.
- Sleep – Sleep plays a crucial role in cognitive functioning, including memory, focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills. (Read and watch more here)
- Nutrition – You must nourish yourself to gain the energy you need to get the work done. (Read and watch more here)
- Stress – A meditation or mindfulness practice will help you reduce stress and anxiety and enhance your presence and focus. (Read and watch more here)
- Energy management – With conscious and consistent intention, you can renew and expand your energy over time. You can actually get more done in less time and feel better while doing it. (Read and watch more here)
- Focus – When you sharpen your focus, you can think more clearly and invest your time and energy in the things that matter most. (Read and watch more here)
Based on what you learned from reading or watching the resource above, what one small commitment will you make, starting today, to take better care of yourself?
Remember, you’ll be a healthier leader when you’re a healthier human. You’ve got this.
See you in the DoP,