You have the power to change your mindset and your experience this busy season by resetting your Dimension of Possible: an elevated place where you get to be bold and play bigger, where you cultivate intentional thoughts and feelings to create your experience.

We know the stress of busy season can send you directly into a limited mindset, where it’s easy to default into scarcity thinking.

Instead, this year we invite you to be curious and see this time as an opportunity to reset your Dimension of Possible by asking yourself:

How do I want to think and feel about busy season this year?

Oftentimes, busy season seems to just happen to us.

When we are under stress, we tend to go into survival mode. We become reactive and fall back into some of our worst habits. Our brain remembers what similar past experiences were like and slips easily into the negative as we try to minimize the impact of how bad it could get.

When you reset your Dimension of Possible, you recognize your brain’s natural default is to source from past experience, while giving yourself permission to create different outcomes this year. You can thrive, and even grow, in busy season, through intentional practices rather than just pushing through.

Instead of focusing on how you’re going to avoid the worst of it, ask yourself:

What do I want instead?

It’s brave to give yourself permission to do something other than drive harder and be more anxious, nervous, and stressed. It may feel like that’s what got you through in the past, but there is another way that can help you be more productive, more driven, and a better leader.

Assessing your mindset.

When you think about the upcoming busy season, do the thoughts that immediately come to mind sound something like this?

  • I hope it’s not as bad as last year.
  • I just have to survive.
  • I just need to get through it, and then things will be better.
  • How am I going to make it through?
  • I’m going to have to make a lot of sacrifices.

Often these thoughts lead to negative feelings like:

  • Resignation
  • Dread
  • Overwhelm
  • Anxiety
  • Anticipatory stress

If you are thinking or feeling any of the above, it’s a good indicator that you’re living in the world of scarcity and limitation.

Ask yourself:

  • Are these thoughts and feelings serving me?
  • Are they getting me closer to what I really want?
  • How will these thinking patterns impact my well-being, my performance, and my team?

Resetting the Dimension of Possible: Give yourself permission to want something better.

It takes courage to say, “I can create the possibilities in my life that I want.”

It can also be hard for a lot of us.

Oftentimes we’re hindered by the fear of wanting something different because it’s not a current reality. Getting there feels impossible, and we set our expectations low to avoid discomfort or disappointment.

Allowing ourselves to want doesn’t necessarily mean we have to make significant change happen all at once. The Dimension of Possible isn’t about big leaps or attaining perfection, it’s about acknowledging what we want so we can engage in a process of allowance and expansion.

Pretending we don’t want something keeps us mired in the impossible. When we give ourselves permission to dream of more, we can change incrementally. We can find small reprieves during busy season that make us a little more positive, that keep us out of resignation and allow us to expand, rather than shut down.

The mindset that’s going to serve you well.

Resetting your Dimension of Possible takes intention and a commitment to practicing three simple pillars: a foundational practice, an in-the-moment practice, and cultivating a growth mindset.

Resetting your Dimension of Possible.

1. Foundational Practices

What are your foundational practices, those commitments you make to yourself day in and day out that support you? These could look like:

  • Exercise, being outside, eating well
  • Sleep, gratitude practice, meditation
  • Ending work at a certain time each day
  • Being with people and/or pets you love

Write down one or two foundational daily practices you can commit to throughout the busy season that will help you feel good, grounded, and stable amidst turbulent times.

Being clear about your foundational practices and making sure you carve out time for them, especially during busy season, will help you reset your Dimension of possible and cultivate a growth mindset.

2. In-the-Moment Practices

What are the things that help ground you during stressful moments? How do you reset your mind and come back to yourself when you’re under pressure?

Maybe this looks like a one-minute meditation, taking three deep breaths, spending five minutes stretching, connecting with a friend, or listening to something that makes you laugh.

Decide on two practices that will be your go-tos, when you get stressed out and realize you’re back in the world of scarcity and limitation.

3. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Cultivating a growth mindset comes down to five things:

  1. Reframe and learn from setbacks
  2. Reframe your questions
  3. Notice and change your self-talk
  4. Embrace feedback
  5. Shine the light on other people’s growth

When you practice these techniques, you can show up from a more grounded place, which will help you, your clients, and your team. You will be modeling how to shift your mindset during this very stressful time of the year, which will have an exponential impact on performance, not just for you, but for everyone around you.

This is playing in the Dimension of Possible. You don’t have to make major shifts. Just by doing small things, consistently and with intention, you will be living your possibilities.

And that in itself is success!

It’s about the process, not perfection.

The Dimension of Possible is about using practices to create small shifts over time. Try what we’ve offered here and allow yourself grace in the process. Allow yourself to forget a foundational practice, or notice when you could have used an in-the-moment reset, and just keep practicing. Expect to be imperfect and learn as you go. Give yourself permission to come back to the Dimension of Possible, over and over.

Maybe you’ll find you need to evolve your practices, because they’re not working for you. This is an iterative process, and the key is not to get it right the first time, but to learn as you go.

When you give yourself permission to shift your mindset, make small, actionable decisions to show up for yourself with more intention for what’s possible, and allow space for things to be different this year, you are already accessing the Dimension of Possible. This is how you’ll create even more success for yourself and your team during what is often a challenging time of year.

We understand the complexities and stressors of busy season. Please reach out to us if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

We’d love to help.

See you in the DoP,