At Intend2Lead, we believe our future depends on our capacity to love.

It depends on our capacity to choose love instead of fear, to choose possibility instead of scarcity, safety and playing small.

The tragic and disturbing events of the past few weeks are shining some light on deep rooted, systemic racism in the US. These events stopped us in our tracks, and we are reflecting on what we stand for.

We stand for social justice. We stand for diversity and inclusion. We stand for human dignity and respect. We stand for unity. We stand for love.

Racism, the perpetuation of systemic inequality, is in direct opposition to our values and vision. Yet, we’re asking ourselves, “Have we been fully living into our values and vision, or have we been complicit in upholding systemic racism through inaction?”

If we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem.

We are prompted to look more deeply within ourselves and at our company. To start, we are challenging ourselves to:

  • Get uncomfortable. We must challenge our beliefs, uncover unconscious bias and identify the role we unwittingly play in perpetuating racism. As coaches, we understand that discomfort is a valuable and necessary part of change.
  • Have tough conversations. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.â€
  • Embrace humility. We must let go of what we think we know. We must listen and educate ourselves to expand our perspectives.
  • Do the work. Being an ally to the Black community is demonstrated through actions, not just words.

We want to ensure our values are woven into the fabric of our company, in who we are and how we show up for our clients, the accounting profession and the world.

We stand with the Black community. We stand with all people of color. We are committed to being part of the solution. We are committed to creating a new Dimension of Possible.

See you in the DoP,

5 Ways You Can Start Being an Ally:

If you’re ready to join us in getting uncomfortable and putting in the work of being an ally to the Black community, here are a few ideas on how you can get started:

  1. Understand what it means to be an ally by reading this article.
  2. Check in on your Black friends and close colleagues. This is an emotional and traumatic time. Hold space for them. Do not expect them to educate you.
  3. Educate yourself. Some great books to start with include White Fragility, The New Jim Crow and Between the World and Me (you could even start a book club). This document is a great resource on anti-racism for beginners.
  4. Put your money where your mouth is. Donate to organizations that are working for change. Support Black-owned businesses.
  5. Encourage reform on police violence and antiracism in the US.