Special Offers

Support for Challenging Times

What we are experiencing right now is unprecedented. Traditional ways of working and living are gone. Everyone is adjusting to a new normal – one that’s radically different than we ever imagined. We are working from home, with blurred or non-existent boundaries between work and personal life. Many of us are juggling critical responsibilities in each moment – homeschooling and childcare, supporting spouses and parents, leading teams remotely, supporting clients from afar, trying to get the work done to ensure job security – all while trying to maintain health and some semblance of sanity amidst physical isolation. It’s a perfect storm of trauma, fear, anxiety and uncertainty.

Coaching is one of the most powerful ways you can support yourself and your people during challenging times.

Why? Because coaching: 

  • Provides customized support to prevent overwhelm and burnout, maintain well-being and enhance engagement and performance
  • Helps individuals adapt to change, navigate the unknown and lead others through change
  • Enhances an individual’s self-awareness, confidence and leadership skills
  • Creates opportunities for authentic connection and collaboration between professionals and their clients and teams
  • Creates an avenue for greater connection, normalization of experiences and expanded learning and growth (in a group setting)

Our coaching has always been 100% virtual, and we’ve delivered a majority of our courses virtually as well. Additionally, we’ve created some special new coaching packages and online learning series to support you and your organization during these challenging times.

Learn more about our special new offerings below: 

What sort of coaching do we need?

The following table can help you explore which coaching option(s) is best for your organizational needs:  

1:1 coaching Group coaching Office hours
Depth of coaching support High Moderate Lower
Peer connection N/A High Moderate
Leveraged learning N/A Moderate High
Confidentiality High Moderate Low
Number of people 1 Up to 6 Up to 20
Investment per person $$$ $$ $

1:1 Coaching

This provides the deepest, most customized and confidential form of support. All coaching is done via phone or video-conference.

For individuals:

We’re now offering micro-packages of 1-4 coaching sessions to support you during this challenging time, including:

We continue to offer our standard coaching packages if you’re seeking on-going coaching support with more structure and accountability.

  • Standard coaching packages start at a minimum of 3 months.
  • We offer services to complement coaching, including 3-way check-in meetings with an organizational sponsor and 360 feedback interviews.
  • You can book a complimentary discovery session with an I2L coach of your choice to explore whether coaching is the right fit for you.
  • Contact Brian for more information on our standard coaching packages.

For organizations:

Volume package – You can purchase a block of 1-to-1 coaching sessions that you can allocate to specific employees and/or a pool of employees to use as needed.

We continue to offer our standard coaching packages for 3 months or more, as well as complementary services such as 3-way meetings with an organizational sponsor and 360 feedback interviews.

Contact Brian for more details.


Group Learning

Exploring challenges in a virtual group setting is a powerful way to leverage learning and create connection. We could explore almost any challenge in a group learning setting. Some examples of current hot topics include:

  • How to effectively work from home and create a feeling of work-life balance
  • How to lead teams in a virtual environment
  • How to develop business in a virtual and uncertain environment

We can customize packages (i.e., blocks of group sessions) for groups within your organization to use as you see fit.

Group Coaching

Coaching in small groups (up to 6 people) via video-conference provides a unique opportunity for peer connection, vulnerability, learning and growth. By sharing their challenges, participants can normalize their experiences, create greater connection and leverage the learning, experience and ideas within the group.

Office Hours

An Office Hours session is a facilitated discussion for a larger group (up to 20 people) via video-conference. The I2L coach facilitates a process where participants share their challenges, ask questions and solicit ideas/solutions from the group and I2L coach.


Online Learning Series

Nearly all of our existing learning content is available for virtual delivery, and we’ve created the following new offerings to support you and your organization with current challenges.

I2L Peak Performance Challenge (for individuals or organizations):

The I2L Peak Performance Challenge is a 20-day online program designed to help you overcome overwhelm and burnout and improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Learn more here >>

Ensuring Feedback in a Virtual World – A Webinar Series (for organizations):

Many of you are heading into your annual review process, and a lot of performance feedback will be exchanged over the next few months. Feedback often feels hard, and now, in our virtual world, it may feel even harder.

In this four-part, live webinar series, Brian will provide participants with the mindset, skillset and habits they need to make feedback more effective, fun and impactful…especially when it’s delivered virtually!

  1. An Investing Mindset – How can we shift our mindset to view feedback (and the people we work with) in new ways given this virtual world we now inhabit?
  2. An Inside-Out Approach (Part 1) – This 4-step, inside-out approach will change the way you see and do feedback conversations.
  3. An Inside-Out Approach (Part 2) – A follow-on to Part 1, we will dive deeper into the inside-out approach and learn how to empower the performer by making feedback more actionable.
  4. Feedback Habits – We will explore what new feedback habits will help your new skillset stick and how to leverage technology to improve feedback.

Feedback Podcast Series (for organizations):

We developed this 4-part podcast series based on many years of coaching accountants through the challenges they face in delivering and receiving feedback. Each audio module delivers simple, powerful concepts in bite-sized, digestible pieces over a period of time to maximize the learning. The series focuses on mindset shift (how to view feedback differently), then skillset shift (specific tools and actionable tips):

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback: An Investing Mindset
  • Receiving Feedback that Propels Your Career
  • Giving Feedback: The Inside-Out Approach
  • Giving Feedback: Two Keys to Make It Actionable

This podcast package also includes a reference handout summarizing key concepts from the series and guidance on how to best deliver these modules to your people (including suggested timing and sample e-mail language).

For more details on these offerings or other virtual learning on topics not listed here, please contact Brian.


Consulting on virtual program design:

Have you been tasked with shifting a learning event from in-person to virtual? We can partner with you to help design an engaging program. (Please note that our area of expertise is program/content design and delivery style – not technology.)

Contact Sarah for more details.


We’d be excited to discuss details and answer any questions you have about this program. Contact Sarah Elliott at: [email protected] or 844-275-3868.