Development Consulting

At Intend2Lead, we partner with leaders like you who have the vision, ideas and passion to create change in your organization. We collaborate with you to help you make your vision a reality…to translate your theory and ideas into measurable results.

Together with your organization’s change agents, we strive to create a measurable shift in culture and performance using innovative combinations of leadership development tools, which include individual coaching, group coaching, consulting and training.

The I2L Approach

We utilize a coaching approach in all the consulting work we do. This comprises the following steps:

  • Crystallize your leadership vision and understand what makes you and your organization unique.
  • Brainstorm with you on strategy, including uncovering obstacles and defining measures of success.
  • Co-create customized solutions intended to infuse change into day-to-day practice.
  • Implement and deliver the training and coaching necessary to achieve results.

Where possible, we empower you by providing programming that you can leverage in future.

Contact us to discover how we could partner together to create meaningful change in your organization.

Translating Vision to Reality

Following are some examples of our strategic consulting projects that are creating a shift in organizational culture:

Creating a coaching culture – We are partnering with the managing partner and HR team of a Top 100 CPA firm to co-create a comprehensive solution that infuses a coaching culture throughout the firm. The team has identified a number of professionals at the manager and partner level to form an internal coaching team. Through this program, we provide participants with one-on-one coaching, mentor coaching and specialized training and development of coaching skills.

Cultivating the next generation of leaders – We are partnering with the leadership team of a large, local CPA firm (approx. 135 employees) to co-create a customized, multi-year, in-house leadership development program for high-potential employees that supports the firm’s strategic objectives.

Inspiring women – We are partnering with the leader of a Top 40 CPA firm to develop a roadmap for their women’s initiative program. We provide coaching to help align the program’s vision with the firm’s recruiting and retention strategy. We are designing custom offerings in direct support of this strategy, including workshops, facilitated group discussions and webinars.