About admin

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So far admin has created 115 blog entries.

The Secret Success Weapon

The first decade of my career, I mistakenly believed I could obtain better results by pushing myself to my limits. I directed nearly all of my energy towards whatever professional goal was at-hand. I put [...]

The Secret Success Weapon

Feedback Empowers

At Intend2Lead, we believe in the power of feedback. We believe that each of us needs feedback to thrive as a leader. When you become intentional about soliciting and utilizing feedback, you foster trust in your [...]

Feedback Empowers

Got Intention?

Ben is a 40 year old account executive at a large manufacturing company. He is about to enter a very important meeting. He’s tired, overworked, and generally having a bad day. He walks into the board [...]

Got Intention?

Leaving Your Old Self Behind

At Intend2Lead, our intention is to ignite transformation in emerging leaders. Transformation is a powerful word, not to be thrown around lightly. What does transformation mean to us? The root of transformation is the verb, “transform.†Dictionary.com [...]

Leaving Your Old Self Behind

Intentional Leadership Starts Here

Do you want to be a better leader? Do you want to be a better parent, a better spouse, a better partner, a better friend...a better human being? Do you want to grow in a [...]

Intentional Leadership Starts Here
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