Your #1 Enemy When It Comes to Habit Change
Our habits really matter. Our habits dominate our days. Our actions. Our results. Our lives. They create our future, one occurrence at a time. And our habits are hard to change. [...]
Our habits really matter. Our habits dominate our days. Our actions. Our results. Our lives. They create our future, one occurrence at a time. And our habits are hard to change. [...]
What is the number one thing that holds you back from being the best leader you can be? I believe the answer is quite simple. It’s you…yes, you are the one holding yourself back. More [...]
About 3 years ago, I was picking up my then four-year-old son from daycare. As I usually do, I greeted him with the question, “How was your day?†On this particular day, [...]
Many people believe a positive mindset is only achievable as a result of the circumstances life provides them. They think that they will feel more positive when they reach their goals - when they get the [...]
Guest blogger, Lindsay Stevenson, CPA, CGMA, shares her perspective on how to cultivate your own unique leadership style. Lindsay is the VP of Finance & Tax at 1st Financial Bank USA and a recent graduate [...]
Recently, I turned down a very good business opportunity. The opportunity presented unlimited long-term growth potential. With exceptional people who are leaders in their field. People who share my vision and values. The work provided a [...]
How many times in your life have you identified something you wanted to improve about yourself? We think about improvement a lot. About personal change. We hope for change. We want [...]
I have a confession to make. I can be a bit of a control freak. In addition to "control freak," I’ve been called a perfectionist, Type A, "particular"…the list could go on, but I'm going to [...]
People who set goals achieve more than those who do not. That may sound obvious, I know. We know goals are important. And we all remember those times when we achieved an important goal. You [...]
I am sitting at a red light at an intersection a block from my house. The light turns green. I notice a family walking into the cross walk. Then a car speeds through the intersection. [...]